Contact Us

Please notes:
Due to increased volume and the impact of COVID-19, we are experiencing delays in shipping, your order may take longer than usual to arrive and we are working diligently to get them to you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience as we fulfill orders as quickly and safely as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.

*Please include your order number, ship to name, a description of the item you had ordered, and any additional information associated with your request (i.e. updated address, cancellation/ return reason, etc.). This will help us process your request as quickly as possible.

Monday-Friday 9:00AM--18:00PM GMT +8
(We'll get back within 48hours max, All day of the week.)
Company Name: Wisteria Trade Limited
Company Number: 15222315
Address: 86 North End Rd, London, United Kingdom W14 9EX(this is not a returning address)